Always a mummy………………..
Victor Frankl once said:We cannot judge a biography by its length, by the number of pages in it; we must judge by the richness of the contents. Sometimes the "unfinished" are among the most beautiful symphonies.Its been 34 days since we said hello to you Xavier and 35 days since we kissed you good bye until we meet again.
This journey has become so many things to me now; one of grief, strength (feels like none most days) the blessing of family and friends and us. The three of us….. trying to find our feet and our new routine and new normal.
We have been blessed with a network of family and friends that are incredible, this has been the backbone to helping us move from one day into the next. The glue has been my mum and hubby. These beautiful people have just hugged me and held when I have completely crashed because there are no words and that’s all there is sometimes.
I have felt no anger or resentment in any situation over the last month, which has been good because I think that those feeling would be harder to move on from. All I can say is hug those you love especially your children and tell them how important they are to you and how much you love them every single day.
Tiny Angel
For brief and fleeting moment, an angel touched the ground;Anyone that knows me understands that I tend not to slow down very often. There are a couple of things that I am having trouble dealing with and slowing down and quieting my mind is up there. No I am not turning in a new age hippy…. mediation is helping but oh it is hard for an old dog, never been very good at learning new tricks.
With tiny wings and halo, and sweet, soft angel sounds.
Blessing the lives of others, in beauty and in grace;
Those who saw the angel, knew God had kissed his tiny face.
The angel came for reasons we may not understand;
A journey brief, with gifts so great, and guided by God's hand.
So, rest now tiny angel, your work on earth is through;
In the beauty of God's perfect love we saw His gift in you.
Author Unknown
The other speed hump is the physical side. Any mummy will know what I mean after a little one. I have all of that without my little man. That truly cuts very deep. Time everyone says is the healer. I am finding that the tears don’t come as often as before but saying that I have them streaming down my face.
Thank you the beautiful staff at the Mater, words just will never be enough for how you have guided us from the start and every single step of the way provided the tools and knowledge.
To everyone out there, please if you recognise that you are struggling with a situation and it seems to be getting on top of you and taking too much of a toll, please go to your Doctor and reach out to get some help.